Annual Quality Assurance Report – (AQAR)
Key Indicator- 1.1
Curriculum Planning, Design and Development
Metric No 1.1.1 QlM
Relevance of curricula planned, designed and developed/adopted
Metric No 1.1.2 QnM
New Programmes introduced - Percentage of programmes newly introduced by the institution during the year
Metric No 1.1.3 QnM
Revision of Programmes - Percentage of Programmes revised during the year
Metric No 1.1.4 QnM
Courses being offered as MOOCs or using OERs. - Percentage of courses being offered as MOOCs or using OERs to supplement the existing courses (data for the preceding academic year)
Metric No 1.1.5 QnM
Electronic media and other digital components in the curriculum