Annual Quality Assurance Report – (AQAR)
Key Indicator - 2.4
Teachers and other Academics - Profile and Quality
Metric No 2.4.1 QnM
Full-time teachers and other academics in positions – Percentage of the sanctioned posts occupied by full-time teachers and other academics respectively during the year
Metric No 2.4.2 QnM
Full-time teachers and other academics with Ph.D. - Percentage of full-time teachers and other academics with Ph.D. degree
Metric No 2.4.3 QnM
Programmes on offer through Collaboration - Programmes offered which are developed through collaboration with Government / other agencies
Metric No 2.4.4 QnM
Percentage of in-house faculty involved in design and development of SLMs during the year
Metric No 2.4.5 QnM
Recognition earned by full time teachers and other academics
Metric No 2.4.6 QnM
Learner : Academic Counselor ratio