Broadly speaking, there are four grades of tea.
These are-whole leaf, broken leaf, fannings and dust. Each of these grades again has various sub-grades. Of the four, only the latter three (Broken, fannings and dust) can be produced in case of CTC manufacture.
Grades of Orthodox Tea
(i) Orthodox whole Leaf Grades
Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe | GFOP |
Flowery Orange Pekoe | FOP |
Orange Pekoe | OP |
Pekoe | P |
Pekoe Souchong | PS |
(ii)Orthodox Broken Grades
Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe | GEBOP |
Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe | FBOP |
Broken Orange Pekoe | BOP |
Broken Pekoe | BP |
Broken Pekoe Souchong | BPS |
(iii) Orthodox Fanning
Flowery Orange Fanning | FOF |
Orange Fanning | OF |
Pekoe Faning | PF |
Fanning | F |
Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning | BOPF |
Broken Pekoe Fanning | BPF |
(iv) Orthodox Dust
Pekoe Dust | PD |
Red Dust | RD |
Grades of CTC tea
(i) CTC Broken
Broken Pekoe one |
BP1 |
Broken Pekoe two |
BP2 |
Broken Orange Pekoe |
Broken Pekoe Souchong |
(ii) Fannings
CTC Pekoe Fannings one | PF1 |
CTC Pekoe Fannings two | PF2 |
(iii) CTC dust
Pekoe Dust | PD |
Dust | D |
Churamoni Dust | CD |