Tea World

Lesson 014

Planting Time

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Tea is cultivated under diverse environmental conditions and as such the time of planting varies from region to region. In general, a cool, humid climate and soil that is moist but not wet favours transplanting. However, a favourable soil climatic condition following transplanting is more important to encourage the growth of the young plants till they are firmly established in the field. Favourable growing conditions normally prevail for a large part of the year in a few countries in the tropical belt. Transplanting can be done almost any time of the year in Sri Lanka and Indonesia where a large part of tea areas receives adequate and well distributed rainfall and the soil remains moist for most of the year. But all tropical countries do not have the same situation. For example, the tea areas of East Africa which is situated in tropical belt suffers from deficit of water in the soil during the early part of the year due to strong wind experienced in this region. Similarly, suitable planting time is even more limited in Central African regions. In Northern latitudes of Japan and Russia, winter is wet but it is too cold for planting. From March to April is the most suitable time for planting tea in Japan.

The tea areas of N.E. India which is situated in temperate zone enjoy long, cool and dry winter and a hot, wet summer. Due to thick mist in cool hours of night and morning as well as, some light showers between November and January, planting during spring (October-November) can be carried out. Normally, planting during early summer (April-May) after a few showers is followed.

A Section of Young Tea

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