1. Name and address of Directorate/ Department/ School for Distance Education Not Applicable
2. Name and designation of Director of Distance Education (Not applicabloe for State Open Universities) Not Applicable
3. Documentary proof of NAAC score Not Applicable
4. Affidavit submitted to UGC View
5. Details of Infrastrucutre available at HQs exclusively for distance education. Not Applicable.
6. Details of Study Centres(including those outside the main campus of HEI, if any, along with approval). View
7. Copy of relevant page of Act allowing the HEI to offer the programme in Open and Distance Learning mode. View
8. Recognition letters to offer ODL programmes issued by the erstwhile DEC and UGC (Year wise in reverse order) View

1. List of programmes being offered in ODL mode and from the year of its inception View
2. Prospectus for ODL Programmes View
3. ODL Programme Details including brochures or programme guides containing inter alia information such as name of the programme, duration, eligibility for enrolment, programme fee, programme structure etc. View
4. Programme-wise information on syllabus, suggested readings, contact points for counseling, programme structure with credit points, program-wise faculty details, list of supporting staff. View
5. Information regarding any new programmes launched and those proposed for the next two years. Not Applicable
6. Certificate to the effect that the degree programmes proposed to be offered through ODL mode are being offered through regular mode HEI. Not Applicable
7. Approval of the proposed programme from the Academic Council of the HEI (attach duly attested photocopy) Not Applicable
8. Details of the teaching faculty availble excusively for ODL programmes, including therein the educational qualifications and teaching experience of every memebr of its teaching faculty and also indicating therein whether such member is employed on regular or part time or visiting or contractual basis. View
9. Pay and other emoluments paybale for each category of teacher and other employees. Emoluments are paid to the teachers and employees under UGC Scale as per UGC pay scale dully approved by the Government of Assam. Emoluments of other employees as per CPC guidelines approved by the Government of Assam.
10. Information in regard to physical and academic infrastructrue and other facilities, including that of each of the Learner Support Centres and in particular the facilities accessible by learners on being admitted to the HEI. Not Applicable
11. Details of Administrative staff available exclusively for ODL programmes at HQs(attach duly attested photocopy) View
12. Details of Academic (qualified counselors) and other staff available exclusively for ODL programmes at LSCs (Give programme-wise details) Not Applicable.
13. Approval of Regulatory Authority for the programmes, if any , mentioned at clause (p) of Clause (p) of Sub Regulation (2) of Part-I of UGC (ODL) Regulations, 2017
  • name(s) of the Regulatory Authority
  • name(s) of ODL programme
(Attach duly attested photocopy)
Not Applicable.
14. Certificate of the effect that the nomenclature of ODL programmes is as per UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees dated March, 2014 and its amendments. Not Applicable.
15. Certificate to the effect minimum duration of the programme and minimum qualification required at entry level are as per UGC Notification on Sepcification of Degree dated March, 2014 and its amendments. Not Applicable.

1. Approval of Statutory Authorities of the HEI for Program Project Report (PPR) View
2. Certificate to the effect that thte main contents stipulated in Annexure IX of UGC (ODL) Regulations , 2017 have been included in PPR Not Applicable.
3. Certificate to the effect that the guidelines on preparation of Self Learning Material(SLM) as specified in Annexure -VIII in UGC (ODL) Regulation, 2017 been followed. Not Applicable.
4. Approval of SLM by the Statutory Authorities of the HEI (as per clause 3(1) (v) of UGC (ODL) Regulations, 2017) View
5. Complete information about 'Self Learning Materials' including name of the faculty who prepared it, when was it prepared and last updated , source of Self Learning Material, references of Self Learning Materials, etc. View

1. The process of admission and selection of eligibile candidates applying for such admission, including all revelent information in regard to the details of test or examination for selecting such candidates for admission to each course or programme of study and the amount of fee to be paid for the admission test. View
2. Academic calendar of ODL programmes:
  • a. dates for registration
  • b. re-registration
  • c. counselling session
  • d. assignment submissions
  • e. receipt of feedbacks on assignments
  • f. dates of the term end examination
  • g. result declarations, etc
3. Minimum educational qualifications required for admission in programme(s) specified by the relevant statutory authority or body, or by the Higher Educational Institutions, where no such qualifying standards have been specified by any statutory authority. View
4. Data of year-wise and programmr wise student enrolment details (as per format) View
5. Data of year-wise and programme-wise degrees or certificates or diploma or post graduate diplomas awarded. View
6. Complete details of each programme on offer including fee structure , minimum eligibility condition for admission as prescribed by Commission from time to time View
7. Method of evluation/ assessment of students for award of degree. Information awaited

Part 5:STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS Subject Information
1. Online/offline grievance redressal mechanism at HQs View
2. Details of full time dedicated help desk providing single window services for all learner related queries, (as per clause 15 (2) (v) of UGC (ODL) Regulations, 2017) View
3. Number of seats approved in respect of each course or programme of Open and Distance Learning mode,which shall be in consonance with the resources Not Applicable.
4. Conditions of eligibility including the minimum age of a learner in a particular course of programme of study, where so specified by the Higher Educational Institution View
5. Compilation of questions and answers under the head ‘Frequently Asked Questions” with the facility of on-line’ interaction with learners providing hyperlink support View
6. Detailed strategy plan related to On-line course delivery, if any including learning materials offeredthrough On-line and learner assessment system and quality assurance practices of e- learning programmes View
7. Feedback mechanism on design, development, delivery and continuous evaluation of learner performance which shall form an integral part of the transactional design of the Open and Distance Learning mode programmes and shall be an input for maintaining the quality of the programmes andbridging the gaps, if any Feedback Froms
8. List of Learner Support Centres with addresses and contact details, their working hours and counseling schedule, list of supporting staff, etc. View
9. List of the ‘Learner Support Centres’ along with the number of students who shall appear at any examination centre and Copy at details of the Information and Communication Technology facilities available for conduct of examination in a fair and transparent manner; Information awaited.
10. Activity planner including all the academic activities to be carried out by the Higher Educational Institution during the academic session and the details of July cycle and January cycle shall be notified separately View
11. List of the ‘Examination Centres’ along with the number of students in each centre View

Part 6: STUDENT DETAILS & FEES STRUCTURE Subject Information
1. Course-wise fee structure and its basis. Course – wise fees structure at Annexure – I.
Fees Structure 1 View

Fees Structure 2 View

Fees Structure 3 View

Fees Structure 4 View
2. All kind of payment or fee paid by the students All kind of payment or fee paid by learner directly to the University Bank Account and through online mode.
3. Each component of the fee, deposits and other charges payable by the learners admitted to such Higher Educational Institutions for pursuing a programme in Open and Distance Learning, and the other terms and conditions of such payment Component wise, Semester wise & Course wise fee structure at Annexure – I. A learner can take admission for the next semester within the 2 months from the end of the examination of particular semester.
4. Percentage of tuition fee and other charges refundable to a learner admitted in such Higher Educational Institutions in case such learner withdraws from such Higher Educational Institutions before or after completion of course or programme of study and the time within, and the manner in, which such refund shall be made to the learner. Refunds are made to the learners against receipt of refund application from learners. No refund is made on percentage basis. 100% is refunded to the learners if the learner applies for refund within 1 month from the date of admission.
5. Details of fee structure based on a policy or guidelines laid down by the Government or any other (Please specify) Details of fee structure is provided at Annexure – I. There is no specific Government policy or guidelines for fee structure. However, the University fixes the fee structure on the basis of cost factor.
